Cathy Rigby in the national tour of PETER PAN. Photo via www.cincinnati.broadway.com
Contest Closed. Congratulations to FFC reader, Sharon Wagner!
Starting Tuesday PETER PAN will be at The Aronoff Center for the Arts downtown!! Not only are we excited to take our children to see this show, but thanks to the folks at Broadway in Cincinnati, we’ve got a four pack of tickets to opening night to giveaway to one lucky FFC reader.
PETER PAN is just in town for a quick run, with performances Tuesday, March 12 – Sunday, March 17, 2013 so if you want to see this while it’s in town, don’t delay.
Performances include:
TUESDAY | 7:30PM | |
WEDNESDAY | 7:30PM | |
THURSDAY | 7:30PM | |
FRIDAY | 7:30PM | |
SATURDAY | 2:00PM | 7:30PM |
SUNDAY | 1:00PM | 6:30PM |
Click here to view ticket options for PETER PAN
Tony Award nominee Cathy Rigby takes flight in an all new production of Peter Pan! Discover the magic all over again of this two time Emmy award winning and two time Tony award nominated production. The New York Timessays “Rigby still carries off the flights, fights and acrobatics that make Peter Pan audiences mesmerized.”Peter Pan is filled with timeless magical moments and a captivating hook. The legend you thought you knew, is now the adventure you never dreamed possible… Cathy Rigby is Peter Pan!
While all of the performances are family friendly, you might want to check out the Wednesday night performance as they’ll be hosting a special event – “Kids’ Night on Broadway.”

National Tour of PETER PAN Photo via www.cincinnati.broadway.com
Wednesday evening’s performance of PETER PAN includes Kids’ Night on Broadway! Enjoy FREE pre-show activities in the Aronoff Center for the Arts from 5:30-7pm. They’ll have games hosted by Warm 98, crafts with the Cincinnati Enquirer, sweet treats from Graeter’s, autographs with the cast and more! Kids’ Night on Broadway activities are open to anyone with a ticket to Wednesday evening’s performance of PETER PAN. Don’t have a ticket? Visit www.CincinnatiArts.org to purchase!
Contest Closed. Winner announced shortly.
One lucky FFC reader will win a 4-pack of tickets to see PETER PAN at The Aronoff Center for the Arts on OPENING NIGHT, Tuesday, March 12! So how can you enter to win? It’s easy. Simply answer question number one below. Additional items are bonus entries. Leave a separate comment on this post for each one you complete. A total of five entries are possible.
1. Leave a comment saying you’d like to enter
Bonus Entries
- Sign up for our Enewsletter: http://eepurl.com/bxdIb
- Check out Family Friendly Cincinnati and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook
- Follow us on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/FamFriendlyCin (where you can find lots of other great ideas like recipes, crafts and so much more!)
- Tweet about this giveaway: I entered to win tickets to see @broadwaycincy Peter Pan on @famFriendlycin http://bit.ly/13NtSD7
That’s it…that’s FIVE ways to enter which means FIVE chances to win! Winner will be drawn (randomly) MONDAY, March 11 at 2pm and notified via email (we’ll also announce it our our Facebook page). Contest is open to Tri-State residents ages 18 and up.
Good luck!
Disclosure: Broadway in Cincinnati provided the four pack of tickets to Family Friendly Cincinnati. Please note that tickets are for the Tuesday, March 12 performance and are NOT transferrable.
Love you guys on FB, but my kids would be over the moon to see Peter Pan. I think it would blow their minds to see Peter and friends flying in real life!! Thanks 🙂
My grand kids would love ut
*Raises hand* Oooo Oooo pick me! Pick me!
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I would like to enter.
I’d like to enter
i would like to enter thanks.
I would like to enter. I also follow you on facebook, will add you on pinterest, and will be subscribing to the newsletter right now!! fingers crossed!
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Already a Facebook follower
Oh how I would love to take my Peter Pan obsessed son to this show!! We looked at tix but they are just too expensive – winning them would be AMAZING!!
Would love to win these. I subscribe to the newsletter and follow on Facebook!
Just followed you on pinterest
my kids would love to see the show
I am a fan of FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on FB.
I would love to take my boys to see this!
I’dlove to take my family!
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I’d love to take my family!
Please enter me. My daughter loves Peter Pan!
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Id like to enter! 🙂
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Enter me please! My daughter loves Peter Pan!
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I’d love to enter!
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I would love to enter to take my children.
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I would like to enter!
I follow FFC on Pinterest.
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Would love to take my kids to see Peter Pan live!
I already get the E newsletter. Would LOVE to see peter pan with the fam!
I already follow FFC on Facebook. Love the updates!
I’d like to enter!
Liked you on FB 😀
Signed up for the newsletter 😉
I would like to enter the contest 🙂
Now follow on pinterest
Now follow Broadway in Cincinnati on FB.
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I checked out Family Friendly Cincinnati on Pinterest!
I commented on Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
I want to enter to win the four tickets!
I would love to take my grandkids!
Peter Pan rules! Captain Hook drools.
Please enter my family into the contest.
I hope we win !
I already like you on Facebook!
I already subscribe to your newsletter!
I would love to take “some of the kids” to see Peter Pan!
I’m entering for the tickets to Peter pan. Would LOVE to go with my kids.
New to the area, and already a FFC newsletter subscriber! LOVE it!
Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook…..sounds like my kids! Would LOVE to take my wild crew!
I would like to enter the contest for free tickets to see Peter Pan. My son loves Peter Pan!
I would love to enter to win! Thanks!
Loved Cathy Rigby in gymnastics and would love to see her in Peter Pan
We would LOVE to enter for this chance and we would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to go!
We would love to see Peter Pan! I already get your newsletter and am a Facebook fan. 🙂
My two kids would love this!
I’d love to see this, and my daughter would especially love it!
I have two Peter Pan obsessed boys who would be psyched to see this! Subscribed, liked and liked… tweeted and followed 😉
I would like to enter to see Peter Pan. Thank you.
Done. Done. And Done! It sounds awesome!
I’m a subscriber on the email list!
I’m a fan of FFC and Broadway in Cin on FB!
I would absolutely LOVE to take my family to see this show! Sounds wonderful!
I follow FFC on Facebook and checked out Broadway Cincinnati.
I’m subscribed to FFC emails.
We would love to take our kids!!
I follow you on Pinterest!
I follow both you and broadway across America on facebook
Sorry, I meant broadway cincinnati
I subscribe to your newsletter
I would like to enter please! Please please PLEASE choose me!
I follow FFC on FB and checked out Broadway Cincinnati!
Already signed up for the newsletter, LOVE it!
I’d LOVE to enter this contest… I would LOVE to take my little girls to see Peter Pan, it’s one of their favorites!!!
I would like to enter!
I follow FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook
Please enter me in the contest! I am following you on Pinterest, checked out FB pages and I’m already on your email list. This would be such fun!
I would like to enter!
I love getting the FFC newsletter! So much great information!
We’d love to win these tickets! Good thing we get your newsletter and follow along on Facebook 🙂
I follow you on Pinterest! Love the pins you provide!
I so want to take my kids to see Peter Pan!!!!
Well, I am already signed up for the newsletter. I am already a fan on Facebook. I am already following you on Pinterest 🙂 Does that count as three other chances? Too bad I am not on Twitter!!! I would love to take my girls and hubby to see the show! Big fans of Broadway!!!
I get the newsletter
Id like to enter to win Peter pan tickets!
I follow FFC on Pinterest.
I like both on FB.
I get ffc mewsletter
My family would love to go to Peter Pan!
Would love 2 enter
I follow you on Pinterest
I chekced out FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on FB
following on pinterest
checked out both on fb
I get the FFC enewsletter
getting the newsletter!
We would love to go!
I would like to enter the contest for Peter Pan.
I would like to enter to win a 4-pack of tickets to see PETER PAN at The Aronoff Center for the Arts on OPENING NIGHT, Tuesday, March 12! Thank you!
I would like to enter to win a 4-pack of tickets to see PETER PAN at The Aronoff Center for the Arts on OPENING NIGHT, Tuesday, March 12!
Thank you for this opportunity!
I follow you on Pintrist.
I tweeted this contest from @mom22kids1
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I like FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
subscribe to newsletter
I would love to take my dancing daughter and some teammates to see Peter Pan! They dance to I wont’t grow up!
My daughter has been every character from Peter Pan for Halloween and would love it!
I “liked” both pages on FB.
I follow you on Pinterest.
I am a newsletter subscriber.
I would love to win these so I can take my grandchildren.
Liked on fb and broadway in cinci
Following on pinterest
Woud love to win!!!
FFC E-Newsletter Subscriber!
I’d love to surprise and take my daughter since her birthday is on the 13th!
Oh, and I already get the FFC eNewsletter.
I tweeted the tweet on twitter.
I already follow on Pinterest.
I checked out both facebook pages.
Yes…I want tickets!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/ItsAnnIam/status/310868669985071104
I would love to win this for my family!
Following on Pinterest as Its Ann I Am
Following both on FB
Already an email subscriber.
i tweeted 🙂
i follow on pintrest
i lke both pages on facebook 🙂
ialready get the newsletter
id like to enter! 🙂
Following on Pinterest too!
Liked Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook
Receive enewsletter 🙂
Would love to take my sons to see this show. Fingers crossed!
Sign me up!
Would love to see Peter Pan
I follow you everywhere! Would love to win tickets to see Peter Pan. Peter Pan has been a favorite since I was young. I’d love to take my daughter to see this live!
Also my tweet post here: https://twitter.com/lizamaboo/status/310843903764987905
Would love to see this!
I like both FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on FB!
I receive FFC newsletter! Thanks!
We’d love to see Peter Pan!
I like FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
Enter! I would love to take my family to see Peter Pan!
I want to win and take my 2 little boys and their mother
Would love to see this with our family:)
wow, what a wonderful prize this would be!
I follow you on Pinterest.
We are subscribers of your newsletter!!
We would love to win tickets!! Our daughter LOVES Peter Pan!!
i follow you and them on fb
i want to take the kids!
I would like to enter for the Peter Pan tickets
I’d love to win tickets to see Peter Pan on Tuesday!
Also visited Broadway cincy on FB, liked both! Please enter me
I checked out family friendly cincy on FB
I signed up for the newsletter
I want to win, my daughter LOVES peter pan but the tix are outta my price range 🙁
I have no idea how to tweet, but if I did, I would TOTALLY tweet about this….hey, I stepped out on a limb with the whole Pinterest thing. 😉
I signed up to follow you on Pinterest…
I liked Family Friendly Cincinnati and Cincinnati Broadway on facebook..
I already subscribe to your enewsletter…
My family would LOVE this!! AND it’s my birthday on opening night!!
Thank you for your great posts. My family would love to win.
I follow on FB.
I’d like to enter.
i’d like to win and i think the link to family friendly cincinnati on fb is broken.
We follow on FB!
We would love to see Peter Pan…. The story is a family favorite and my kids really enjoy live theater!
I follow you on pinterest =)
I follow FFC on FAcebook
I get your enewsletter…
I would like to enter please! =)
We would love to see Peter Pan!!
I follow on pinterest
checked out FF and Broadway Cincy on FB
We subscribe to enewsletter
My family would live this!
We’d LOVE to win!!! Peter Pan is a family favorite!
I’m already on the email list, follow on FB and Pinterest
This would be a wonderful experience for my family!
I would love to take my family to see Peter Pan!
Just tweeted @juliepile
Follow FFC on Pinterest
Like Broadway Cincinnati on FB.
Like FFC on FB.
Already receive the newsletter.
What a treat, Peter Pan at the Aronoff! I would love to win these tickets.
I check out FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook.
I would like to enter the contest and would really love to see Peter Pan
I follow FFC on pin interest.
I get the e news.
I would love to take my granddaughter to see Peter Pan.
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I like FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on FB!
I follow FFC on Pinterest
I definitely want to enter this contest!!!
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I get the newsletter
I tweeted
I like you both on Facebook.
I’d like to enter.
My daughter’s favorite! Would love to win.
Wrong email address on my former replies. My apologies!
I like Broadway in Cincinnati on facebook
I follow you on facebook
I would like to enter
I would love to win tickets!!
I follow you and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook.
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I would like to enter to take my family to see Peter Pan! This si my daughter’s favorite story and she would be thrilled to see Peter, Tink, and Captain Hook on stage!
My son would love this!
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I follow FFC on FB.
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Follow FFC on Pinterest
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FFC facebook fan and Broadway Cincinnati
I would love to win the tickets and take my family:)
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I’d like to enter!
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Enter me, please! My daughter would love this!!
I would love to win tickets for my grand kids.
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I follow you on FB.
I tweeted about the contest
I would love to win tickets!!
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Oh how I would love to take my Peter Pan obsessed son to see this!
I get the newletter
I would love to take my family to see Peter Pan
I wanna win!!!!
I get newsletter.
Follow on facebook
we would love to see Peter Pan. I already get your newsletter, like you on fb, like the Arts on Facebook, tweeted (I think)
Would love to see Peter Pan.
Would love to see Peter Pan!
I can do a passable Captain Hook impression and my four-year old wants me to say just about everything (to the consternation of her sisters) in “the voice” (as in, “Do the voice, Daddy!”). However she’s never seen a play or musical production (much less Peter Pan) and maybe I could get a break from doing “the voice” for at least one night and let “the real” Capt Hook take over.
I follow you on Pinterest.
I follow FFC on FB.
I would love, love, love to take my boys to see Peter Pan!!!
I follow FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook and I want to win!!!!!
I want to enter to win a 4-pack of tickets to see PETER PAN at The Aronoff Center for the Arts on OPENING NIGHT, Tuesday, March 12! I already like and subscribe to FFC via FB Twitter etc.
We would love to see Peter Pan
I would be thrilled to win the Peter Pan tickets! I have loved the story since I was a child and would be so happy to now share it with my grandchildren. Its magical when Peter flies over the audience!
My three and six year old would love to see this show. What a great family night out!
We already get your newsletter
My three and six year old would love to see this show!
I would LOVE to take my kids to see Peter Pan!
I checked out Family Friendly Cincinnati and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook, and would LOVE to take my kids to see Peter Pan!
My family would love to see Peter Pan!
I follow Pinterest for Family Friendly Cincinnati, and would LOVE to take my kids to see Peter Pan!
I get the newsletter for Family Friendly Cincinnati, and would LOVE to take my kids to see Peter Pan!
I’d like to Enter
I tweeted that I signed up for free tickets! Would LOVE to take my kids!
I pinterest
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I get the news letter.
My boys would love to see Peter Pan!!
I’d like to enter. My daughter would love it!
Receive newsletter.
I would LOVE to take my family to see Peter Pan!!
I am following you in Pinterest!
I would love to take my family to see Peter Pan!
We would love to see this performance.
I started following you on Pinterest.
I follow FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook.
I’m a huge fan of familyfriendlycincinnati.com and have recommended it to a dozen friends!
I am already subscribed to the e-newsletter.
I would love to take my son to see Peter Pan!
Would love to win tickets to Peter Pan and take my husband & two kids!!
The kids would love to see Peter Pan.
My boys would love to see Peter Pan – they were Captain Hook and Peter Pan for Halloween last year!
Please enter me in the Peter Pan contest.
I hope we win! I pinned on pintress … posted on fb …liked the Broadway series on fb and now leaving a comment. My son loves theater, this summer he’s going to camp @ playhouse in the park …this would be a great segway.
Enter us please!
I would like to enter!
We want to go!
followed on pinterest
Tweeted about the giveaway
My family would love to win tickets!
Followed on Pinterest
Please enter me!
Like Broadway Cincinnati on fb
Like Family Friendly Cincinnati on fb
I’m now following you on Pinterest!
subscribed to the newsletter
What a great production to win tickets! I subscribed, liked both Facebook pages (FamilyFriendly and Cincinnati Broadway), tweeted and am now following you on Pinterest. Should I add I have my fingers and toes crossed too? 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity. I hope my family wins! Melissa
I already like and follow you on FB!
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Love FFC and Broadway in Cincy on FB
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Love the enewsletter
I want to enter!!!
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Yes, please!
I tweeted (reesied)
What a perfect way to introduce the kids to live theater! Please enter me to win these tickets for my kids.
I want to enter!
I follow you on Pinterest (reesiedee)
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I follow you on pinterest
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I checked it out in facebook
Would love to take my boys to Peter Pan.
I would love to win
Follow on Pinterest!
I get your newsletter (how I heard about this)
I would love to see Peter Pan with my son!
I receive your enewsletter
I am signed up for your eNewsletter, checked out FamilyFriendly Cincinnati and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook. I follow you on Pinterest and I tweeted about the giveaway.
I am a fan of both on FB!
I would like to win the tickets
I would love to take my son!
I am already a fan of FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on FB! 🙂
I would love to receive the tickets!!! I read the book to my Kindergartners every year! Love it!
I receive your newsletters.
I am signed up for the FFC newsletter!
I already subscribe to your E-newsletter!
I would love to take my daughters to see Peter Pan!
I would love to enter!!! My girls would love to see this!
It would be a fun way to spend my husband’s birthday with the kids!
I would love to take my kiddies to see Peter Pan
My 7 yr old daughter was in her school’s Peter Pan play. this would be so awesome for her to be able to see this! Please enter me in this contest! 🙂
My children would loooooove to see Peter Pan. Who am I kidding? I’d looooved to see it too!
I would LOVE to enter the Peter Pan contest!
I would love to take my kids to see Peter Pan!
I subscribed to the newsletter!
I have always enjoyed the story of Peter Pan..
Would LOVE to take my fam to see this :-)… Thanks for putting out some great offers!!
We would love to go see Peter Pan!!
I follow on Pinterest
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I’d like to enter! Would love to take my daughter!
I am a fan of FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on FB.
I already receive the Enewsletter.
Were new to Cincinnati and would love wo see Peter Pan
I follow you on pinterest!
I like FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
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we would love to see Peter Pan!
I get your newsletter
My kids and I would love to see Peter Pan.
I am following you on PINTEREST!
I subscribe to your newsletter!
I like FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook!!
I would love to take my son to see Peter Pan!