Please join us in welcoming Jennie & Kim from the blog, Surviving Motherhood. Passionate about Beech Acres Parenting Center, Jennie & Kim share their thoughts on an upcoming parenting workshop they think readers will enjoy!
When I was pregnant I was constantly reading books about my unborn child, what to expect, how to get through the sleepless nights, breastfeeding, nipple confusion, you name it!
The weird thing is that I feel like once you have kids your thirst for knowledge on parenting dramatically decreases! Mostly because let’s face it – we don’t have the time to sit around reading books about how to be a better parent and communicate with our kids! As moms, we work full time – whether it’s outside the home or inside the home. We have a lot to juggle and it seems rare that, as parents, we get any time for “continued education” as I like to call it. When you’re at the office you’re required to take courses to be more productive and efficient with your job, right? Well, I always say that being a Mom is the hardest job I’ll ever love and while there’s no where else I’d rather be than at home chasing my 2 year old little man, there are times when we ALL could use a little help!
This is where Beech Acres Parenting Center comes into the picture! Some of you who are local to Cincinnati may be familiar with the amazing For the Love of Kids seminars Beech Acres has done in the past. Did you know they are doing a monthly workshop series? We’re here to tell you that this is a great resource for parents and we are SO lucky to have Beech Acres investing in how to make our lives a little easier, as parents! You may be reading this thinking “I’m too busy” or “I don’t need any help, we don’t have any parenting issues”. Well, I’m here to tell you that Beech Acres workshop series is all about being proactive instead of reactive. We all look back and think, “I could have handled that better” and that’s why there’s so much value in these workshops. They give you great resources to help you as a parent before things get out of control. It’s all the preparation and I can tell you from experience each time I’ve walked out of one of these workshops I feel so encouraged and mentally prepared to be a better mom to my kids. (Even my husband will tell you the same thing!) My 2 year old is a very spirited little guy and there’s no doubt in my mind that we’d have some major behavioral problems if it wasn’t for everything I’ve learned to prepare myself thanks to Beech Acres and For the Love of Kids. You will learn so much to help your parenting skills, no matter the temperament of your kids.
So you’re now asking, “Where do I sign up” right? That’s the easy part! It’s only $15 and you can check out their full schedule of events for the year and the monthly topics here. February’s workshop is all about Communication! We all feel like at some point we’re talking to the wall when it comes to our kids and it starts at a young age as they gain their independence and don’t want to listen to Mom and Dad. If you feel like your conversations with your kids end in arguments or you’re looking to be closer with your kids (who doesn’t?!) you won’t want to miss this month’s workshop taking place:
Date: Wednesday, February 16th at 7:00-8:00pm.
Location: Beech Acres Parenting Center / For the Love of Kids
6881 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
You’ll need to sign up online by clicking here. If you’re interested, Jennie and I will be at the Panera Beechmont location having a quick bite to eat from 6:00pm before the workshop and we’d love for you to join us! Of course, if you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Jennie & Kim,
Surviving Motherhood
That sounds so great! Thank you for sharing the info. It’s a great idea to encourage pro-activity vs. reactivity in parenting. I think that being prepared is the best way to help your kids. Thanks for posting.