Do you and your kids like to cut a rug every now and then? For my money, there’s no better exercise or entertainment than a toddler shaking his groove thing (no matter that he’s totally earthbound — that doesn’t stop him from being a supahstah) or a preschooler hurling and twisting her body around in faux-ballet moves. All I try to do is enjoy the dance and maybe dip or swing them once in a while.
Got a video camcorder or a phone with video capabilities? Turn on your favorite tunes, snap a quick video of the twinkle-toes action, and submit it to the Family Dance-off. You could win as much as $30,000 for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and a $5,000 prize through Primrose Schools’ second annual Family Dance-off competition, which promotes physical activity as part of a healthy family routine.
Between Feb. 1 and March 19, families can upload their 30-second dance videos to to compete to win a portion of the $65,000 Primrose Schools is donating to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Cincinnati supporters can vote for their favorite video up to five times per day.
To celebrate this cool contest locally, Primrose School of Symmes will be hosting a Family Dance-off Extravaganza Feb. 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. Cruise on in for healthy snacks, hula hoop, jump rope, basketball and obstacle course contests with prizes, a dance party, and even get a video made to enter the contest.
For a little inspiration, check out last year’s Family Dance-off grand prize winner video. It’s cute, but Cincinnati, I know you can top it. Start creating your own “dancey dance” (a la Yo Gabba Gabba) or OK Go-esque choreographed masterpiece. Let’s represent the Nati with some hilarious, adorable, stylin’ family dance videos and maybe even win some big money for our local gem, Cincinnati Children’s.
If you do end up entering, post your link to our Facebook page and ask FFC readers to vote for you. We can help each other out! Good luck.
@FamFriendlyCin Sorry – misdirected tweet! 🙂
@FamFriendlyCin Lennon was Ono’s python.