Man, the FFC research team is really dropping da ball! I had to hear about the American treasure that is National Donut Day from Facebook!
But today is the day – June 4th – so go get your donut on people.
Check out Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Creme, (or if you’re me, BOTH) I hear both of these national chains are giving away the good stuff. And maybe your local mecca of doughie goodness is to. If so, report back here – don’t hog ’em all for yourself!
Here in Cincinnati, where we never miss a chance to celebrate (or eat!) Q102 and The Salvation Army (FYI: The Salvation Army STARTED Nat’l Donut Day in 1938 making them an even more AWESOME organization!) have teamed up to party on Fountain Square from 12-2 today with donuts donuts donuts. Participating local bakeries include: Bakery Barn, Bonnie Lynn Bakery, Bonomini Bakery, Busken Bakery, Graeter’s Bakery, Harrison Home Bakery, Holtman’s Donut Shop, Jansen’s Sweet Sinsations, Kroger’s Bakery, Little Dutch Bakery, North College Hill Bakery, Regina Bakery, Schmidt’s Bakery, and Servatii Pastry Shop. OMG Fountain Square’s gonna smell so goooooood.
On behalf of Family Friendly Cincinnati, we hope your day is nothing but sprinkles and extra gooey filling (that the kids don’t spill all over your backseat of course) – Happy Donut Day!
What a tasty holiday!!