Mother Nature is in the midst of a bi-polar break with the weather this week, so who knows what to expect this weekend. My prediction? Blue skies, sun and cool temps*…so let’s start planning some fun.
*Please note: I have no weather predicting skills whatsoever and often forget the url for The Weather Channel, so my predictions and a quarter might get you a, uh, well, a quarter.
Saturday is the last chance for this Month’s version of Brazee Street Studios’ Family Open House – 10am to 1pm. Get creative with your crew and make incredible glass sun catcher.
Down the road, the blue manatee has a ton of fun on the agenda all weekend:
- On Saturday visit to celebrate a children’s classic – A Very Hungry Catepillar – with bloom manatee: a Spring celebration. 1pm
- On Sunday Jack and Annie fans will love the Magic Tree House Scavenger Hunt from 2pm to 3pm. Be sure to register for this program, cost is $5: 513.731.2665

Phyllis shared everything you need to know about local walks and runs for families and they start this weekend. So be sure to check it out and spend time together with some good ol’ exercise for a good cause.
Speaking of good causes…The Oakley Recreation Center (next to Remke Biggs) in the Hyde Park Plaza will be the site of the second annual yogahOMe Run for Shelter 5K and Carnival on Saturday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. This event benefits the nonprofit organization, Transitions Global, which provides a future to girls rescued from brothels in Cambodia.

Visit the grand opening of Streetpops Gourmet Popsicles on Friday from 5pm to 11pm

You have two more chances to see The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati’s Rapunzel, Rapunzel on Saturday for their 2pm or 5pm show.
The Cincinnati Rollergirls are rolling back into action on Saturday at the Cincinnnati Gardens. Read more here for all the details.
The always amazing Cirque du Soleil is back in town with Dralion. Shows are running all weekend at various times – visit Shannan’s post for more details on this don’t-miss show.
The flowers are blooming at The Cincinnati Zoo for Zoo Blooms. There is no better way to spend a weekend afternoon than strolling the Zoo with the beautiful buds all around you. all weekend
Happy Spring Cincinnati – get out there and SEIZE THE DAY!